
Mira-900 example product

With so many units installed around the world, Sprout is a proven pump laser for all makes & models of Ti:Sapphire oscillator and dye laser. Here are just some examples of many Sprout installations:

Click on each image for a description of the installation

Mira, Mira‐OPO, Verdi, MBR, 899 and 699 are trademarks of Coherent Inc.
Tsunami, Millennia, 3900, 3900S, Matisse and Spectra‐Physics are trademarks of Newport Corp.
Griffin and Cascade are trademarks of Kapteyn‐Murnane Laboratories, Inc.
GigaJet is a trademark of Gigaoptics GmbH and Laser Quantum Ltd.
Rainbow is a trademark of Femtolasers Produktions GmbH and Newport Corp.
Octavius is a trademark of idesta Quantum Electronics, Inc. and Thorlabs, Inc.
Pulse:One is a trademark of Venteon Laser Technologies GmbH and Laser Quantum Ltd.
TiF and TiC are trademarks of Avesta Ltd.
Ti:Light is a trademark of Quantronix Corp. and Continuum Inc.
SolsTis is a trademark of M Squared Lasers Ltd.
TiS‐SF‐777, TD‐Scan and Dye‐SF‐077 are trademarks of Tekhnoscan Joint‐Stock Company